Thank you for "checking-in" at West Houston over the past several weeks. Please know that we consider it an honor that you have chosen to worship with us. The check-in helps us know who is here and we love hearing from you. We do check the prayer requests each week and pray over each one.

Our desire is to be a place of Hope, Healing and Home. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. As disciples, our hope is deeply rooted and anchored in the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is only because of the gospel that we can have hope. Healing (true healing) comes about when our life intersects the life of Jesus. As a church, we are a group of committed believers helping others find physical, relational, emotional and spiritual healing. Admittedly, healing is an ongoing process of God in our lives that is never ending. Home means a community and sense of connection with other believers. Home means we are a family, and we have a place where we belong. Home means we are free to be ourselves and we are accepted for who we are as we grow in maturity towards Christ.

If you have found West Houston a place that you have enjoyed attending, please let me encourage you to consider becoming a member. I believe that is is good for us to find a place to belong and connect on a deeper level. Becoming a member will give us a chance to strengthen our relationship with you and better serve you. It also lets you state that you are ready to commit to the body of Christ at West Houston and to serve Jesus alongside us.

If you would like to have a conversation about becoming a member, please reach out to me. If you are ready to take this step, click here.

Again, please reach out to me if you have any questions.


Andy Spell
Associate Minister