What's going on in 2025 for the Ladies at WHCC
As we step into 2025, let’s remember that we are fully loved, fully known and fully equipped by God. This year,
join us to dive deep into each of these areas, exploring their profound meanings and discovering how they shape
our lives.
join us to dive deep into each of these areas, exploring their profound meanings and discovering how they shape
our lives.
● Fully Loved - Valentine's Brunch
February 15th
● Fully Known - Ladies' Day Retreat
September 6th
● Fully Equipped- Ladies Service Project
November 8th

Our "all-women" Gathering Groups are going strong, and we'd love to have you join us if you haven't already! These groups offer a wonderful opportunity to connect on a deeper level with other women from our Church. If you haven't found your place in one of our Gathering Groups, now is the perfect time to get involved!