The mission of HTH is to provide individuals healing, hope and spiritual growth through a series of small group ministries and counseling services that help to unlock the redeeming power of Christ.
Many of us live hectic lives faced with never ending challenges that often results in a sense of hopelessness, which for some then leads to poor personal choices. Weeks turn into months, months into years and we wake up to find ourselves distant from God with our lives controlled by addictions, compulsive behaviors, and the temptations of the world. Our lives soon become average at best, but this is NOT the life God wants for you. Do any of the profiles below describe your life?
I grew up in a dysfunctional family and neither of my parents gave me the love I needed. Now that I’m an adult and I struggle with anger, resentment, and a feeling of distrust toward everyone I get close to. These characteristics control my life in a negative way.
I’m a successful businessman with a wonderful family, but I’m struggling with a drinking problem. I think I could stop if I wanted to, but drinking allows me to relax and unwind, and I really don’t want anyone to know I may have a problem.
I’ve been a Christian most of my life and have many Christian friends, but for some reason I don’t have the relationship with Christ that I want (and need). I don’t know how to get there.
I’m a middle-aged male whose career has peaked out. I have a mortgage, two car payments and college tuition to pay for. My whole life revolves around work and making money, yet I can’t stand my job. There’s little happiness in my life and I have turned to pornography to medicate my needs.
These individuals have very different lives and very different challenges yet the common ingredient that can provide them hope, healing and joy is the power, love, and grace of Christ. The small group ministries and counseling services described below help to provide you a pathway to the life God intends for you.
I grew up in a dysfunctional family and neither of my parents gave me the love I needed. Now that I’m an adult and I struggle with anger, resentment, and a feeling of distrust toward everyone I get close to. These characteristics control my life in a negative way.
I’m a successful businessman with a wonderful family, but I’m struggling with a drinking problem. I think I could stop if I wanted to, but drinking allows me to relax and unwind, and I really don’t want anyone to know I may have a problem.
I’ve been a Christian most of my life and have many Christian friends, but for some reason I don’t have the relationship with Christ that I want (and need). I don’t know how to get there.
I’m a middle-aged male whose career has peaked out. I have a mortgage, two car payments and college tuition to pay for. My whole life revolves around work and making money, yet I can’t stand my job. There’s little happiness in my life and I have turned to pornography to medicate my needs.
These individuals have very different lives and very different challenges yet the common ingredient that can provide them hope, healing and joy is the power, love, and grace of Christ. The small group ministries and counseling services described below help to provide you a pathway to the life God intends for you.
POWER TO CHOOSE-This is a 15–17-week small group Christ centered 12 Step Program designed to help individuals overcome addictions and life controlling issues and grow in their relationship with Christ. These are gender specific groups and are limited to no more than ten participants (including facilitators). A workbook and self-study are required. Currently available.
JOURNEY TO FREEDOM-This is an 8-week small group program designed to help individuals prepare to take needed changes in their lives. These are mixed gender groups and are limited to no more than 14 participants (including facilitators). A workbook and self-study are required. Currently Pending.
CAREER COACHING-This is individualized career coaching/resume assistance. Learn important techniques to improve your job search effort while enlisting Christ to help. Currently available.
PERSONALIZED COUNSELING-This is personalized counseling from a licensed Christian counselor designed to assist individuals who are struggling with mental and emotional issues of all kinds. Currently available.
JOURNEY TO FREEDOM-This is an 8-week small group program designed to help individuals prepare to take needed changes in their lives. These are mixed gender groups and are limited to no more than 14 participants (including facilitators). A workbook and self-study are required. Currently Pending.
CAREER COACHING-This is individualized career coaching/resume assistance. Learn important techniques to improve your job search effort while enlisting Christ to help. Currently available.
PERSONALIZED COUNSELING-This is personalized counseling from a licensed Christian counselor designed to assist individuals who are struggling with mental and emotional issues of all kinds. Currently available.
IMMEDIATE NEEDS-Program Facilitators. This ministry is limited only by the number of facilitators available to lead groups. In other words, there are lots of individuals that will benefit by going through the small group programs, but given the size of the groups we need more facilitators. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a facilitator please contact Andy Spell or Bryan Ford through the contact form below.
If you want any information about this ministry, please contact Andy Spell or Brian Ford through the form below.